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Friday, September 4, 2015

Screw Up

The other day at work, some customer complained to me about the Dr. Pepper being out of syrup. So, reluctantly, I headed to the back to put a knew thing of syrup on the pump. It was my first time doing it by myself, but I was determined. But, first off, those syrup bags are HEAVY. It's like trying to lift a house of its foundation-- that's how freaking heavy they are. Somehow, though, I manage to get the syrup down and onto the cart. I begin opening the cardboard, but the whole isn't big enough to get the nozzle out, so I grab a knife. Now, lets get something straight, that cardboard syrup box was plastered with no less than 10 pictures  of "do not use knives" signs. But I told myself I'd just be extra careful. As I start sawing the cardboard away, suddenly a dark liquid starts oozing everywhere--- I'd poked the bag. Before I knew it, I had my shift manager, co-worker, and boss all surrounding me. My co-worker kept saying with a grave voice and a confused look in his eyes, "It says don't use knives! It says it everywhere! Don't use knives!" They ended up having to throw the whole thing of syrup away (which my step dad later informed had to be fairly expensive) and I was mortified. I asked my boss if I was fired and he responded with, "No, as long as you aren't messing up everyday, you're okay." "But I am messing up everyday!" I said. He thought about this for a second, then said, " Well, that's true." Neither of us really knew what to say after that.

What have I done

The other day I'm sitting in debate class and we're talking about kids and when they mature. My teacher brought up the point that all kids mature at different times. He gave an example of his wife, who didn't  start having a period until she was 16. That in and of itself was a bit awkward, but not too bad. He goes on to say, "I know, all the girls here are going, 'What?! I started when I was like 4!'" Of course, all the girls in the room start to laugh knowing full well that it's basically impossible to go through puberty at that age. Me, always repeating everything funny that I hear, scoffed and said, "I started when I was 4!" Just then, the little freshman in front of me turns around and gives me the most horrified look I've ever seen in my life, thinking that I really had started when I was four. I just stared back at him, not really knowing what to say. Yeah, it was just a freshman, but the senior boy next to him was pretty fine looking, and if he was anywhere near as ignorant as the freshman, he also thought I started puberty at age four. So there I was, sitting in debate class, everyone uneducated thinking I was some kind of freak of nature. I didn't know how to explain to them that I was just repeating what the teacher had said. All I could think was, "What have I done."