Once upon a time, there was a pretty cute boy in my math class. He as also in my English class, and I thought I saw him staring at me during English quite often... One day, during math, there was one minute left and I was trying to get as much of my problems done as I could before the bell rang. Out of the blue, cute boy says, "How many problems can you do in one minute? Ready, go!" Later, my friends tried to convince me that this was his way of flirting... but I didn't see it that way. Especially at the time. So I just looked at him and stared. I racked my brain of SOMETHING to say... but my mind was blank. How the crap was I supposed to respond to that without sounding like an idiot, "Um.. ten." ?? After 15 seconds of awkward eye contact, he says, "So.... none?" "Yep." I finally replied. And he walked away probably thinking I was the biggest idiot he's ever talked to. He hasn't looked at me or said a word to me since...
Wait for it.
Later, I was facebook stalking him (come on, we ALL do this). And you know how it is; after so long, you get pretty deep into photos, some of which are years old. While in these years-old photos, I tried to tap next, but accidently tapped over his face. Somehow, some freakin how, I managed to tag myself as him in the photo. So now I was tagged as him and he was going to get a notification about it and he would know that I was totally FB stalking him. I dreaded the next day at school.
The more I think about it... "Um...ten." probably would have been less stupid sounding than acting like a complete mute.
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