Got a story?

Have an embarrassing, "what the heck", or any other unbelievable story to tell? Send it to me at and I'll post it on the blog! Don't be ashamed! We'd love to hear it!

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About Me

Stumble across this random blog? Have no idea who the heck I am, why this blog exist, or why you're even here? Let me explain : D
My name is Anna Warner. I'm 16 years old and female (just incase you haven't figured that one out yet). I live in Utah with my 2 brothers and 1 sister. My oldest brother is on an LDS mission right now in Argentina (!!). My parents are divorced and both are remarried to great people whom I love too. I have 2 step-sisters and 1 step-brother. They're awesome!
I play soccer and love it! My position is defense and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I LOVE horses. I mean, how the crap could you not?? I love to ride them and simply just be around them. I'm kind of a freak that way. I also have an extreme obsession with dinosaurs. In fact, one of my favorite movies is Jurassic Park. I watched it so many times as a kid, every night I dreamed about dinosaurs (incase you were wondering). And you can bet your bottom candy bar I'm going to the Jurassic World midnight showing. I can't even wait for that.
Because of my infatuation with Dinos, my dream job is to become a paleontologist. That would make my life. However, my family says I need a more practical career choice... so I've been thinking about going into law. Lawyers get a bad rap.... but it sounds pretty chill to me. But I might just go for the paleontologist anyway, 'cause who the heck cares about what other people think you should and shouldn't do with your life? :)
It's totally nerdy, but I'm a read-a-holic (if that's how you say/spell that). I love to read! I can spend hours reading. In fact, I love super long road trips because I get to read the whole time. Haha. I can't even choose a favorite book, but ONE of my all time favorites would have to be  A Walk To Remember by Nicolas Sparks. Okay, before you judge, let me just say that I'm actually not a huge Nicolas Sparks fan... but this book is just perf. I also love The Selections series by Kierra Cass.
My favorite movie is Shrek. Sorry, you just can't BEAT that one. My favorite T.V. show is Smallville. SERIOUSLY, if you haven't experienced the joy of that show, you have not lived. If you haven't seen that show, you have not yet experienced the fullness of life and if you truly wish to be whole and happy, you must see the show. 'Nuff said.
I will admit it. Right here, right now: I'm an addict. Yep, I'm addicted to food. It is one of the greatest joys in life. Sushi is simply a gift from heaven and I am forever in debt to the glorious being who created it. Don't argue with me-- root beer is the best beverage. Ice cream is wonderful, potatoes are glorious, and you can never go wrong with a good steak. Lezz be honest, who eats to live? Naw, we live to eat.

So now you know a little bit about me... perhaps more than you wanted to know. But this is me. And I think life's pretty good. Yeah, sometimes it deals you crap, but you can't let it drown you. I created this blog simply because I think embarrassing stories are hilarious and we all need something to make us smile. Are you smiling enough? Smiling is universally attractive, did you know that? So smile! And you might just find yourself feeling a little better too. :)

Don't ever forget- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, and I'm not just saying that. There is a God, and he loves you, and he is cheering for you--- I know that with all my being. Don't be afraid to hit those knees and talk to him- you'll find he's the best listener there is.
Is my even blog not enough to cheer you up? Just remember one thing (even if this is the only thing you remember from this blog): Everything turns out okay in the end. No matter how terrible and bleak and discouraging life is, it will ALL turn out to be okay. You just have endure and have hope. There was a time when I felt so hopeless... and it was really hard to see any good ahead. But IT IS there. And I promise you, if you look, you will find it.
Remember who you are. Don't do drugs, because they're stupid. Respect yourself, because that's the only way you'll get respect back. Be patient; say no to the quick, superficial happiness and hold out for the real, good stuff, no matter how far away it may seem. 'Cause it's worth it. Stand up for what's right, even if you know you'll be standing alone. And be kind and selfless, because what comes around will always go around.

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