Hey guys.
I get it. Life is rough. You try and you try, but it seems like no matter what you do, you're constantly drowning in the crap of life. Let's face it-- crap happens. Don't deny it. The best way to push through crap is to accept it and move on. Then again, it does happen to everyone!
But, the best part is, eventually you will look back on all your mortifying experiences and all the crap you suffered through and realize that you have some great stories to tell. Some are unbelievable, some are humorous, but all are priceless.
Let me share with one of my most prime stories.
Now, I could tell you about the time I tooted in the face of the boy sitting next to me in 5th grade, or of the time I drove right in front of a fire truck, just about cutting it off (In my defense, the light was green). But no, those events don't even come close to taking the cake.
Why don't you just sit back, relax, and reminisce with me as I relate with you my most priceless story yet.
Anybody that knows me knows that I may (or may not) have a bladder problem. I can hold it in for as long as the next girl... but if you tickle me or make me laugh too hard, I will pee. No if's, and's, or but's- it will happen (That in and of itself is embarrassing enough). And when it's been a long day at soccer practice and I've already been holding my bladder for a while because the only bathroom around was a narsty porta potty a mile away, you know craps about to go down.
It was half way through practice when my 20 year old boy coach announces he'd like to go one-on-one with each of us, just to see where our skills are. I don't mind this, because I'm pretty confident in myself, and coach doesn't scare me. All the girls take their turn successfully (more or less) as they attempt to steal the ball from him. Then it's my turn. I kick the ball to him and run up to defend. Everything is going great; I'm keeping him out and almost getting my foot on the ball. But then he decides to get fancy with his footwork- it pretty much went downhill from there. As he did a complex cross over, my feet got tangled up in his, and down we went. He falls first, and then it's my turn. Before I know it, my 13 year old self is draped prone over my 20 year old coach.
Wait for it, because it gets worse.
Swiftly, I roll off of him. As I lay there in the grass, I feel so awkward, I don't know what to do-- so I laugh. But he doesn't find it at all humorous. Instead of sharing the laugh, he hops up and, without taking a second glance at me, yells "Next!". I'm about to get up when I realize I'm wet; I've peed my pants... on top of my coach. Let me simplify; I had just peed on my soccer coach.
I glanced to the porta potty-- it'd have to do; this was no time for being picky. I hopped up and I ran, didn't grab no bag or nothin', I ran, like I've never ran before, to that freakin porta potty. For ten minutes, I desperately tried to dry my shorts with toilet paper, but it was to no avail. Mortified and feeling like an idiot, I walked slowly back to practice, hoping nobody could tell that my shorts were soaking wet. But I think my coach already knew.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of the time I peed on my soccer coach. I hope you had a good laugh, or a good smile- whichever you needed. Heaven knows we all need a good something these days. And heaven also knows it's nice to get these stories off our chest. So now it's your turn: What's your story? Share it for others, share it for yourself.
If you have an embarrassing, "What the heck", or any other unbelievable story you're willing to share with the world, email it to me at crapwillhappen@gmail.com and I'll post it on the blog! Don't be ashamed! We'd love to hear it!
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